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60 new aid trucks pass through the Rafah crossing

60 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid crossed from the Egyptian Rafah crossing towards the Al-Awja-Nitsana crossing, on Tuesday, in preparation for sending it to the Gaza Strip, after completing inspection procedures by the Israeli authorities.

60 شاحنة مساعدات جديدة تمر عبر معبر رفح

Since Monday, the rate of truck movement from Egypt to the Gaza Strip has increased from 20 to 60 trucks per day, bringing the total number of trucks that have crossed the border from the Egyptian side since the start of the war on Gaza until now to 253.

The Palestinian Red Crescent announced that it has received only 144 trucks so far, which means that the movement of dozens of trucks at the Al-Awja-Nitsana crossing has been disrupted due to the complex inspection procedures imposed by the Israeli side, which impedes the arrival of aid to the besieged Gaza Strip.

Israel still imposes a ban on fuel entering the Strip, and allows other aid.

Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly is expected to arrive at the Rafah crossing on Tuesday, to inspect the movement of trucks and the quantities of available aid.

The total number of aid planes received by Al-Arish Airport reached 61, carrying about 1,500 tons of various aid for Gaza provided by 19 countries and 14 international organizations, during the period from October 12 until now, and they were stored in 7 secured warehouses in the nearby city of Al-Arish.

Director of the Egyptian Red Crescent in North Sinai, Khaled Zayed, confirmed that 270 trucks have arrived in Al-Arish since the start of the attack on Gaza, carrying about 4,000 tons of various aid for the benefit of the residents of the Strip, provided by more than 20 Egyptian institutions and international organizations.



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