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“Above and below the ground.” Netanyahu on Gaza: We are waging an arduous struggle

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday that the army is waging an arduous struggle in the Gaza Strip.

قال رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بينيامين نتنياهو، السبت، إن الجيش يخوض صراعا شاقا في قطاع غزة.

Netanyahu added at the beginning of the government session that he will evaluate the situation in the Southern Command, and will monitor the progress of the fighting and plans to complete the war goals.

He continued: "I send my condolences to the dear families of our fighters who fell in battles in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank last week, and we are committed to the will of those who fell: to continue until Hamas is completely defeated."

Regarding the fighting in Gaza, Netanyahu said: “Our forces are working in Rafah, Al-Shuja’iya, and throughout the Gaza Strip. Every day they eliminate dozens of terrorists. It is an arduous struggle that is fought above ground, sometimes in face-to-face battles, and it is also fought underground.”

The Israeli Prime Minister was determined to achieve what he called the goals of the war: “The elimination of Hamas, the return of all our kidnappers, the promise that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel, and the safe return of our residents in the south and north to their homes. We will not end the war until we achieve all our goals.”

Regarding the release of the hostages, Netanyahu explained: “There is no change in Israel’s position on the release plan that President Biden (US President Joe Biden) welcomed.”

"Through a combination of political pressure, military pressure, and above all military pressure, we will return them all - all 120 of our abductees, both living and dead," he stressed.



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