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Al-Huwailah announces a comprehensive review of the laws of the Disability Authority and cooperative societies

Minister of Social Affairs, Family and Childhood Affairs, Minister of State for Youth Affairs, Dr. Amthal Al-Huwailah, announced today, Monday, a comprehensive review of the laws of the Public Authority for People with Disabilities and cooperative societies by specialists.

الحويلة تعلن إجراء مراجعة شاملة لقوانين هيئة الإعاقة والجمعيات التعاونية

Minister Al-Huwailah confirmed to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) her efforts to develop the services provided to those entitled to them and review any legal loopholes that hinder the achievement of the goals for which these laws were formulated.

She stressed the importance of adhering to the laws and regulations governing the work of the Disability Authority and cooperative societies to achieve the public interest.



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