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Austin: We should seek to strengthen Ukraine's air defenses

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that the counterattack launched by Ukraine against Russian forces is making steady progress.

قال وزير الدفاع الأميركي لويد أوستن إن الهجوم المضاد الذي تشنه أوكرانيا ضد القوات الروسية يحقق تقدما منتظما.

He added at the opening of a meeting of the Contact Group on Defense in Ukraine, held at the Ramstein base in Germany, that Kiev will soon receive American Abrams tanks.

Austin added:

  • Russia targets Ukrainian ports and threatens global food security.

  • We must seek to strengthen Ukraine's air defenses.

  • The United States will provide a team to train the Ukrainians on F-16 aircraft.

  • We must continue to support Ukraine to maintain its integrity and territorial integrity.

  • American Abrams tanks will be delivered "soon" to Ukraine.



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