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“Exceptional pensions” for the next session

With the inclusion of raising the minimum pension, increasing the cost of living allowance, the good loan, real estate agencies, and vacant land fees, on the agenda of the regular National Assembly session scheduled for next Tuesday.

“Exceptional pensions” for the next session

Chairman of the Parliamentary Legislative Committee, Representative Muhannad Al-Sayer, announced that the report of the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee regarding proposals to cancel Article 80 of the Social Insurance Law related to exceptional pensions has also been included.

Al-Sayer said, in a statement yesterday, that “in conjunction with discussing laws to improve the lives of citizens for approval in Tuesday’s session, the Chairman and members of the Finance Committee graciously agreed to include the cancellation of Article 80 regarding the exceptional pensions of ministers, representatives, and leaders.”

He expressed his thanks to the Minister of Finance, Fahd Al-Jarallah, for agreeing in principle to amend the article, stressing that “this law, which I have sought to approve since the first day of my political life, is due to my complete belief that it is a gateway to financial waste and a tool for division between members of one society.”

Al-Sayer called on the two authorities to translate their consensus and coordination into legislation that improves the people’s standard of living and closes the doors to financial waste.



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