The Omani police said, in a statement today, Tuesday, that 4 people were killed and a number of others were injured in a shooting in the vicinity of a mosque in the Wadi Al-Kabir area in the Sultanate of Oman.
The incident is a rare security breach in one of the most stable countries in the Middle East.
The Omani police said in its statement that it "dealt with a shooting incident in the vicinity of a mosque in the Wadi Al-Kabir area, which resulted in the death of four people and the injury of a number of others, according to preliminary information."
The statement added, "All security measures and procedures have been taken to deal with the situation, and procedures for collecting evidence and investigation are being completed."
The US Embassy in the capital, Muscat, said that it was following up on reports of the shooting incident.
In a statement, it urged "American citizens to be cautious, follow local news, and respond to the directives of local authorities."
The Sultanate of Oman maintained its neutrality in the turbulent Middle East region and mediated disputes, including between the United States and Iran.