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The Israeli "nuclear bomb" minister raises controversy again regarding the "occupation of Sinai"

The far-right Israeli Minister of Heritage, Amichai Eliyahu, sparked controversy again when he reposted a tweet on the “X” platform promoting the “occupation of the Sinai Peninsula” in Egypt.

وزير "القنبلة النووية" الإسرائيلي يثير الجدل مجدداً بشأن "احتلال سيناء"

The leaflet calls for the purchase of a T-shirt printed on what is supposed to be a map of Israel, including the West Bank, Gaza and Sinai, and emblazoned with the slogan “Occupation Now.”

The tweet also contains a link to a website that sells merchandise bearing the slogan “Occupation Now,” and calls for expanding Israeli sovereignty in Sinai, southern Lebanon, and eventually Jordan.

The original post promoted by Eliyahu reads: “The people demand occupation! Occupation now!”

أثار وزير التراث الإسرائيلي اليميني المتطرف عميحاي إلياهو، الجدل من جديد، عندما أعاد نشر تغريدة على منصة "إكس" تروج إلى "احتلال شبه جزيرة سيناء" في مصر.

The minister's spokesman did not respond to a request for comment, nor did the spokesman for National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, leader of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party to which Eliyahu belongs.

The Prime Minister's Office also declined to comment when asked what it thought of the minister's post.

Last year, Eliyahu made a controversial statement, saying in a radio interview that “dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip is an option.”

But he corrected himself after a short period, and published clarifications on his official account on the “X” platform, stating that his statement was “metaphorical.”



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