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Tomorrow, the National Assembly will consider Al-Azmi’s questioning of the Minister of Commerce

Raising the minimum pension and Qard Hassan for retirees are on the agenda

رفع الحد الأدنى للمعاشات التقاعدية والقرض الحسن للمتقاعدين على جدول الأعمال

The National Assembly will consider, in a regular session tomorrow, Tuesday and the day after tomorrow, Wednesday, the interrogation directed at the Minister of Trade and Industry and Minister of State for Youth Affairs, Mohammed Al-Aiban, in his capacity, and the Emiri speech with which he opened the second regular session of the 17th legislative term of the Council, and several laws, most notably raising the minimum pension.

The Council begins its session with the items “Ratification of Records” and “Disclosure of Incoming Papers and Letters and Disclosure of Petitions and Complaints,” followed by the Questions item. The Council then moves to the “Interrogations” item, which includes the interrogation directed by MP Hamdan Al-Azmi to Minister Al-Aiban, including six topics.

The first axis, according to the interrogation newspaper, relates to what the representative called “conflict of interests and exploitation of power to evade cases, fraud, and fraud,” while the second axis dealt with what the interrogated representative considered “negligence and abuse of power and endangering the country’s security.” The third axis, according to its introduction, relates to “financial and administrative abuses and exploitation that led to the waste of public money,” while the fourth axis, according to the interrogation newspaper, dealt with “misleading the Audit Bureau to evade responsibility.”

As for the fifth axis, it deals with what the interrogated representative considered “a failure to manage the National Fund to support small and medium enterprises and not addressing the conditions of struggling entrepreneurs,” while the sixth axis related to “the failure to monitor prices and benefit merchants at the expense of citizens,” according to the interrogator.

In this regard, Article 100 of the Constitution stipulates that “every member of the National Assembly may direct inquiries to the Prime Minister and to the ministers regarding matters within their jurisdiction.” Article 135 of the National Assembly’s internal regulations stipulates that “the President shall notify the interrogation to the Prime Minister or the competent minister immediately upon its submission, and it shall be included in the agenda of the first subsequent session to set a date for discussion therein after hearing the statements of the person to whom the interrogation was directed in this regard.”

Regarding the date for discussing the interrogation, the aforementioned article stipulates that “discussion of the interrogation shall not take place until at least eight days from the day of its submission, other than in cases of urgency and with the approval of the Prime Minister or the Minister, as the case may be.”

The article gives the person to whom the interrogation was directed the right to “request an extension of the period stipulated in the previous paragraph to a maximum of two weeks, and his request will be granted. It is permissible, by a decision of the Council, to postpone it for a similar period, and the postponement may not be for more than this period except with the approval of the majority of the Council members.” The Council is then scheduled to move to the “Referrals” item and the “Continuing consideration of the Emiri speech with which the second regular session of the 17th legislative term of the National Assembly” was opened.

The Council then moves, according to the agenda, to the item “Committee Reports on Decrees-Laws, Projects-Laws, and Proposals-Laws.” It includes 34 reports of parliamentary committees, the most prominent of which is the proposal for a law amending some provisions of the Social Insurance Law regarding raising the minimum retirement pension and the proposal for a law related to increasing the cost of living allowance, in addition to the proposal. The law on the good loan for retirees.

Three discussion requests were included on the agenda regarding the strategic alternative, to clarify the government’s policy regarding it, monitor prices, control artificial increases, and monitor commodity prices, in addition to discussing the filling of vacancies in leadership positions and the foundations and standards followed in appointments.

Among the items listed are “government books,” which include the financial status of the projects of the General Corporation for Housing Welfare at the end of the fiscal year “2019-2020,” and another letter directed by the head of the Anti-Corruption General Authority, “Nazaha,” regarding the authority’s first semi-annual report for the year “2020-2021.”

This report was issued to cover the period from January 1 to September 30, 2020, including exclusively the activities and efforts of the technical body related to preventing and combating corruption, in addition to including all the negatives and obstacles that “Nazaha” monitored during that period and the recommendations proposed by the authority to remove the causes of those negatives and obstacles.


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